Recover Lost Windows Password for Free
Many times it happens that you forget password for your window system, or if you using a normal user regularly then you can forget administrator password for your machine. It is quite natural i second case as you are not using it regularly.
If you are reading this article it is quite possible that you also fall in either of the 2 category, If Yes, then you need not to worry as there are several utilities (both free and paid) available on internet which can recover windows password for you, that too without much effort. Here are few of them for you —
Kon-Boot is one free utility which is very good in recovering windows password and works like a charm. It was designed for linux to recover root password or to elevate other users as root user and then reset original root password. But Later on it was developed for windows as well. You can use it with all version of windows including Windows 7. This is one free toll which works smoothly if you want to recover administrator password for windows 7.

Kon-Boot works by bypassing the need of entering password at the time of booting. If you boot your windows box using Kon-Boot you can login to any Local user without typing password for it which includes administrator accounts. Once you are logged in as administrator you can change password of yours or any other user on your machine. It does not recover your old password but it allows you to reset existing password and hence you get access to your system without any problem. (more…)